Meet the Mighty Upland Rebels!

Welcome to Upland Rebels, your go-to hub for all things our Jr's Little League baseball! Stay informed with resources for parents, coaches, and players. Let's play ball!

Your business can help!

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What's New Rebels!

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Picture Day

Let's arrive at 9:00am. Full Uniform w/no Cleats

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Late or Can't Make it!

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Choose Your walk-up Song...

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Empower Your Young Baseball Star with The Rebels!

Harness the potential of hard work in baseball with Upland Rebeles, offering proficient coaching, worthwhile resources, and a close-knit community to inspire.

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Little league baseball cultivates teamwork, advances communication, and instills community spirit amongst families. Embracing this local sport, Upland Rangers streamlines access to key information, thus er

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Snack Shop-coming soon

As we grow as a team we build a community of helping all our athletes grow as players on and off the field. Your help in snack shop is appreciated. If you need to hire a replacement, make sure to reach out to the team Mom.

Visit Our Training Center

Learnng Modules to help our athletes grow